Content Marketing

Tell Your Stories, Interact with Customers Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is more than writing; it is generating valuable information so your customers and leads can trust you. It's creating content that meet their needs. When you proactively interact work with your customers through content, you build a relationship.

Start building a better relationship with your customers today by contacting me to schedule a free consultation.

Getting a Content Plan Started

Define the Purpose

Why do you want to start creating content? Regardless of the reason, it should ultimately be some benefit to the reader, viewer or customer.

Establish an Audience

Who do you want to attract? Who are your customers? Who do you want to have as customers? We have to know who we are creating content for.

Determine Keywords

What is your audience searching? What are the specific terminology they are looking for? Having a purpose and knowing your audience doesn't matter if you don't know what to create.

Create a Plan

You have a purpose. You know your audience. You know what they are looking for. Time to figure out what kind of content you can easily and efficiently create.

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