Psalm 119 Series

Bible Study on Psalm 119

Psalm 119: 169-176 Graphic
By Luke Schumacher April 25, 2023
What does the Bible say you should do? There are some universal truths about what you should do, and Psalm 119: 169-176 shows you exactly what that is. Read todays five minute Psalm 119 Bible Study.
Psalm 119: 161-168 graphic
By Luke Schumacher April 18, 2023
Have you ever been forced to talk about your feelings, whether to a friend or therapist? It can be awkward. It can also be calming. It can be a lot. In this Psalm Bible Study, Psalm 161-168 shows us how we can manage our feelings and how we should feel about certain things. Start reading today's entry.
Psalm 119: 153-160
By Luke Schumacher April 11, 2023
God can handle our wants and needs. But we seldom ask. In this Psalm 119 Bible Study, we'll see why and how we should ask God for our needs.
Pslam 119: 145-152
By Luke Schumacher April 4, 2023
Have you ever been around someone that only talks about themselves? You probably didn't stay around them for long. We don't like those people, but sometimes we are that way with God. Read this week's Psalm 119 bible study to learn more.
Psalm 119: 137-144 Graphic
By Luke Schumacher March 28, 2023
What does sovereignty mean? What does it mean to say "God is sovereign"? This week's Psalm 119 Bible Study touches on these topics and more.
Psalm 119: 129-136
By Luke Schumacher March 21, 2023
Does your heart break for what breaks God's heart? If you're a Christian and you can't answer that, you should check your heart. This Psalm 119 Bible Study will show you how your heart should break.
Psalm 119: 121 - 128
By Luke Schumacher March 14, 2023
If God does something, then He fulfill it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Learn more about God in todays Psalm 119 Bible Study.
Psalm 119 Graphic
By Luke Schumacher March 7, 2023
The church makes me sad. People are more loyal to political beliefs, morals, values, and anything except Christ. It may be in the name of God, but that's different than actual loyalty. See how God wants us to be loyal in today's Psalm 119 Bible Study.
Psalm 119 105-112 graphic
By Luke Schumacher February 28, 2023
Psalm 119: 105-112 gives us an understanding of how God's Word shapes us and how our life shapes us. Read this 3 minute Psalm 119 Bible study to encounter God today.
Psalm 119: 97-104 Graphic
By Luke Schumacher February 21, 2023
Did you watch SpongeBob Squarepants growing up? Well, in this Psalm 119 devotional, you'll find a memorable moment from the children's show and how it applies to our lives.
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