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How to Ask God for Your Needs

Luke Schumacher

Psalm 119: 153-160 NLT

“Look upon my suffering and rescue me, for I have not forgotten your instructions. Argue my case; take my side! Protect my life as you promised. The wicked are far from rescue, for they do not bother with your decrees. Lord, how great is your mercy; let me be revived by following your regulations. Many persecute and trouble me, yet I have not swerved from your laws. Seeing these traitors makes me sick at heart, because they care nothing for your word. See how I love your commandments, Lord. Give back my life because of your unfailing love. The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever.”

Have you ever been in a store where a child is arguing with their parent in the toy section?

They really want a particular Lego set, action figure, or princess-themed toy. The parent says no for reasons 1, 2, 3. But the child argues back with:

“But you said if I (did this thing), then I could get any toy I wanted.”

We’ve all heard or made that argument. It may have been with a parent, loved one, or maybe even God.

Today’s stanza has a lot of these kinds of statement:

  • “God, you said this.”
  • “God, because of this, then…”

Know God’s Word to Ask for God

V. 153: Argue my case; take my side! Protect my life as you promised.

The psalmist basically says, “Hey God, I know you said you will protect my life, so do it.” It’s not selfish. He recognizes that God is in control.

You see examples of this all over the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Moses asks for God’s forgiveness so He doesn’t smite the newly-freed Israelites.

Moses doesn’t “remind” God of what he said. God is God, so he is omniscient. It’s impossible for him to forget.

God’s Word is Truth

V. 160: The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever.

Jesus is the essence of God’s Word. We see that in John. This verse foreshadows Jesus.

Because His Word is the “very essence of… truth” and it “will stand forever,” then we can make these arguments and requests to God forever. It stands the test of time.

It is applicable for any situation in any stage of life you have.

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