”Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles. The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your instructions. I meditate on your age-old regulations; O Lord, they comfort me. I become furious with the wicked, because they reject your instructions. Your decrees have been the theme of my songs wherever I have lived. I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord; therefore, I obey your instructions. This is how I spend my life: obeying your commandments.” - Psalm 49-56 NLT
My dog is the most determined dog on the planet. (Stubborn might be a better word.) When she wants something, nothing can change her course. She will achieve what she wants.
If I have a treat, she will do all her tricks: sit, wait, shake, down. She will execute it flawlessly. When I give her the treat she goes back to chewing her tennis ball or bone or whatever.
Do we have that same focus and passion for Jesus? After all, we aren’t just receiving a treat; we’re receiving eternity with him. That’s way better, don’t you think?
Verse 55: I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord; therefore, I obey your instructions.
The Bible is confusing. That’s why you decided to read this devo, right? You want to learn more about it because you’re determined to know more about God’s Word.
Whether you read God’s Word in the morning, during lunch, at night, or whenever you squeak it in, be determined to get in Scripture.
But don’t stop there. Be relentless in applying it to your life every day.
Verse 56: This is how I spend my life: obeying your commandments.
Many Christians who grew up in the church do one of three things
Many of us, including myself, have been at point 2 sometimes. We should aspire for point 3 always.
It’s hard to do that. But let me encourage you with this quote from a letter I received during a high school mission trip
“Don’t lose sight of the step right in front of you. It’s the only one you can take.”
What’s the step right in front of you? How can you keep on moving your relationship with God?
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